Poster analysis
Poster Analysis Im Not Scared Narrative: I believe the story is about a boy finding a deep hole near to where he lives and decides to venture forth through despite what obstacles/ Genre: I think this movie fits into a adventure mystery with thriller themes. Target Audiences: The people that they're targeting are most likely teens to young adults (15-18) that can either relate/insert themselves to the main character. Uzak Narrative: The story may be about the effects of war on the world around us. The state of the town/city that the man is staring at seems to be in a decrepit state due to unknown circumstances which reflects with the man staring towards it. Genre: I believe Uzak may fit into war, drama and mystery. Target audience:I believe the people watching this are definitely older then 30 and most likely enjoy watching films from around the globe this may also mean that the people who watch this tend to be from another country then England Blade Runn...