Blog Feedback

 WWW: You started really well with the film poster analysis and your mise-en-scene analysis tasks. I really like the choice of still image to analyse and you’ve also picked out some good elements of the mise-en-scene in the Get Out scene. You’ve written in some detail for those first two blog tasks and that’s something you want to continue and build on as the course develops because A Level is a very demanding standard.

EBI: The isolation and illness going around this half-term have made things very tricky but it’s now crucial that we get back on top of the workload because constantly being behind makes for a tough year. You are missing four pieces on the coursework side but I’m confident you’ll be able to catch those up over half-term. Remember, for the mise-en-scene recreation you can now simply submit detailed planning rather than the full video. In terms of your analysis work, the key feedback is regarding the depth and detail required at A Level – just as you demonstrate in your mise-en-scene analysis. Keep writing in real depth, using media terminology extensively and exploring the range of meanings created by the producers. But I’d say the critical feedback here is organisation and meeting deadlines so you don’t fall behind in future.

LR: Create a blogpost on your Media 2 Coursework blog called ‘Blog feedback and learner response’, copy this feedback in and then complete the following learner response.

Complete and publish the missing blogposts.

Then, reflect on your first half-term of Film & TV Language.

 What aspect of Film & TV language have you most enjoyed studying?: Definitely lighting with the different ways they use it to give different effects and emotion to a scene or character.

 What is your strongest piece of work so far?: I think that would be my Mise-en-scene analysis work. 

 What is your weakest?: Most likely sound as I still don't completely understand the topic as much as I think I should.

What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop before we start coursework at the end of Year 12?: I need to get better at organising myself and the work I need to do so that I don't miss homework or fall behind again.


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