Sound video feedback

- This is an excellent video that meets the brief impressively. The first half works well as contrapuntal sound - it got a laugh from me which is always a good sign. It's also a memorable choice of clip too.

- When the video switches over to Superman, it immediately feels more suited which shows this is a good use of parallel sound. The video therefore demonstrates your understanding of the media terminology. 

- The only EBI I can suggest is perhaps using a collage of clips from a range of films for each part of the video to further demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between sound and image.

WWW: I think the contrapuntal and parallel i've chosen contrasted each other each other and the music solidified it with both the scenes matching the music as intended.

EBI: Near the end of the contrapuntal clip the sound drops to silence for a little to long before restarting again. This audio transition could have been better and by making it shorter would make it a lot more smoother.

I have learned how sound can drastically change how a scene is perceived which can evoke different emotions to the audience. Sound or the lack of sound can have a numerous amounts of effects with the use of contrapuntal or parallel. Additionally, one piece of music that has a specific tone can be put in conjunction with other types of motifs or genre if done right.


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