Post modernism and Deutschland
1) The example used for the breakdown of the distinction between culture and society section is Bruno and Borat. These characters have more reality for film audiences then their creator sacha boren Cohen. Cohens films rely on the fact that their characters they create are seen as "real people".
2) Historical deafness is the idea of mediazation increasing so the culture itself starts losing a sense of historical context. Deutschland could be applied to this as they blur the line between real and fake events that transpired in the cold war.
3) The examples provided for the idea of style over substance was Big brother as many celebrities are famous for the sake of being famous rather then an identifiable talent or ability.
4) The examples given from music for the breakdown of the distinction between art and popular culture was pop music which was low art and classical music being high art. High art such as opera, ballet theatre and the visual arts were only acceptable to elite groups whilst low art was intended for the masses.
5) Briocage refers to the process which adapts and juxtaposes old and new texts to create a new meaning (Basically mixing references). This can be applied to Deutschland as its main plot line is set in the cold war (An old text) but references certain products like coca cola in its training scene (Can be seen as a new/old text)
6) The audience pleasures of deutschland 83 can be linked to post modernism as it presents the cold war in a new and entertaining way but at the sacrifice of creating a hyper reality. Audiences might not be able to tell what actually is real and what is fiction since it attempts to blur the line (e.g. Brief case scene has real signatures and are from declassified reports.)
7) Post modern approaches to media concepts and examples.
- Representation in post modern texts usually subverts expectations. Contemporary texts often play with conventional ideas in representations such as creating an immoral hero or a sympathetic villain. This can link to Deutschland 83 through the way they portray the east and the west. The west side of Germany is definitely developed far better then east Germany is but through the characters interactions at east Germany's party scene they seemed far more happier and bonded. together in comparison to the west Germany's party. This shows the disparity between the rich and the poor.
- Ideology in post modern texts tend to complicate notions of ideology and challenge the simplistic binary oppositional approach. Evil acts may be undertaken with good motivations. Characters may be good at times and evil in others (and vice versa).
- Genre in post modern texts usually subvert there codes and conventions. Sometimes this is done simply by creating a hybridity. Deutschland can be applied to this as it has its spy aspects along with a political side.
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