Media paper 2 learner response
1) WWW- This is a tricky one to mark- You've made some brilliant points but also missed out large chunks of what you need to cover. Hopefully some work on exam technique you should be looking at the top levels.
EBI: In both questions what you have written is very good but it just stops when it should be getting started! Is timing an issue? Would planning help? is it worth looking into extra time? You must cover both CSPS the lack of D83 holds you back you are discussing some high level ideas but are stuck at the lower levels. (also revise hegemony)
2) Two aspects i could have used for the unseen question.
- The use of costume and props to construct teen stereotypes (leather/biker jacket, cat ears etc)
- The link between genre and stereotypes- The representation of victim in the thriller/crime drama.
3)Some of the terminology i could use is: Iconography-uses of images and symbols to create meaning.
4) Three arguements i could have used are:
- D83 provides a compelling argument for Stuart Halls theory as its reception is very different in Germany in comparison globally. Germany disliked the TV drama while its loved globally.
- Just like Capital, D83 can also be called left wing due to its portrayal of social classes from the east and west sides of Germany.
- The key question is whether the producers have deliberately encoded these values in there judgements.
5) I need to revise more on D83, Capital and practice more on my timing in general.
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